A few thoughts

Friday, January 22, 2010

So, I am finally into the routine aspect of my Turkey experience. My Co-op job is decent, and I think the others in my group would agree. We all teach about 3 classes a week, and have plenty of time to do what we need to do on our computers (since we don't have internet at home). We also have to do recordings every week, which includes lots of laughter. The students seem to be used to having Americans around, they are friendly for the most part, and seem eager to talk to us. I think I am also the first person of color to come on this trip. A lot of the student love to say how I look like Will Smith, and they assume I love basketball and r&b music. I don't get upset or anything because they all mean well... in fact i think it is funny actually. Turkey is mostly a homogeneous nation, although some look like they come from western Europe.

I have already met some cool people outside of work, and have already gone out to a bunch of places. This excites me that I am only in my second week and have already built a small network. I really cannot wait to go to the phenomenal Istanbul! It's one of the best cities of the world, and I need to make my way there ASAP! Haha..

Well, during my time here so far I feel like I have a lot of time to just reflect on life and to acknowledge where I am at.I know it's only been a few weeks, but I feel like I've been here for a while already. I can say last year that I have truly grown, and have had the chance to really recognize my weaknesses. I feel like this will be the year to really work on a few and to just enjoy life as much as I can. I know it is easier to say it rather than to actually do it, but I know I will always continue to grow and actually live out the majority of my goals.


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